University education current trends in teacher training

Aleixandre Brian Duche-Perez, Cintya Yadira Vera-Revilla, Olger Albino Gutiérrez-Aguilar, Ricardo Enrique Grundy López, Jorge Gómez Reátegui, Andy Williams Chamoli Falcón, Julissa Elizabeth Reyna-Gonzalez, Mao Tarazona Tucto, Robert Julio Contreras Rivera, Wilber Jonel Acosta Ponce, Patricia Luz Figueroa Garrido, Mónica Liliana Agüero Ynca, Jeidy Panduro-Ramirez, Freddy Ochoa-Tataje, Sara Castillo-Olsson, Frans Cardenas-Palomino, Jeidy Panduro-Ramirez, Freddy Ochoa-Tataje, Sara Castillo-Olsson, Frans Cardenas-PalominoSandra Chicaña-Huanca, Anani Gutierrez Aguilar, Paulo Enrique Gómez-Zanabria, Manuel Marco Higueras-Matos, Erick Armando Lazarte-Vera, Jamaica Pennsylvania Moscoso-Barrios, Shirley Vanessa Betancourt Zambrano, Carmen Lisbeth Verdezoto Michuy, Alexandra Isabel Cárdenas Loor, Lady Denisse Sánchez Palma, Karen Gabriela Macías-Sánchez, Villanueva Calderón Juan Amilcar, Valdera Contreras Alex Edwin, Reyes Reyes Carla Angelica, Ida Blanca Pacheco Gonzales, Chumán Carmen Walter Antonio

Producción científica: Informe/libroLibrorevisión exhaustiva


University education is undergoing a profound transformation, and teacher education is no exception. In a global context marked by accelerating technological advances, the need for renewed pedagogical skills, and an emphasis on inclusive and sustainable education, teacher education programs face unprecedented challenges and opportunities. This foreword explores some of the most influential current trends in teacher education at the university level, highlighting how they are shaping the profile of the modern educator. The first key trend in teacher education is digitization. The incorporation of emerging technologies in the teaching-learning process has ceased to be an option and has become a necessity. Online education platforms, virtual and augmented reality tools, and the use of artificial intelligence to personalize learning are some of the technological resources that are revolutionizing the way future teachers learn and teach. These technologies not only facilitate access to knowledge, but also enable the development of digital competencies in teachers, necessary to face a student body that is increasingly immersed in digital environments.

Idioma originalInglés
EditorialEditorial Grupo Compas
Número de páginas242
ISBN (versión impresa)9789942338655
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene. 2024


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