Spotted fever diagnosis using molecular methods

Helen Gonçalves Marques, Anna Julia Ribeiro, Anna Karolina de Oliveira Alfenas Gadelha, Carlos Ananias Aparecido Resende, Daniela Regiane da Silva, Débora Patrícia Martins de Deus, Isabelle Caroline Dos Santos Barcelos, Isabela Maia Pereira, Iago Tadeu Santos de Paula, Lucas Da Silva Lopes, Líria Souza Silva, Mariana Campos da Paz Lopes, Miguel Angel Chávez-Fumagalli, Eduardo Antônio Ferraz Coelho, Rodolfo Cordeiro Giunchetti, Ana Alice Maia Gonçalves, Alexsandro Sobreira Galdino

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Rickettsiosis is a disease caused by bacteria belonging to the genus Rickettsia, and is a potentially fatal zoonotic disease of great medical and veterinary importance. Given the urgent need to develop new diagnostic methods for detecting this disease, the present review aimed to evaluate the number of publications dedicated to the identification of Rickettsia spp. in human samples using molecular methods, such as polymerase chain reaction and its variations. To this end, a bibliographical survey covering articles published in the past ten years was conducted using the PudMed platform with the keywords “spotted fever” and “Rickettsia,” both combined with “diagnosis.” A growing number of publications in this area reflects an increasing interest in research, especially since 2015. From 2015 to February 2024, several promising results were tested and many studies were able to detect the genetic sequences of interest. Therefore, the absence of a standard diagnosis method highlights the critical need for developing an effective technique capable of accurately detecting the etiological agent and ensuring accurate diagnosis of the disease.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere00204-2024
JournalRevista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical
StatePublished - 2024


  • Molecular diagnosis of spotted fever
  • Rickettsia spp
  • Spotted fever
  • Spotted fever group rickettsioses


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