Quality in use of an android-based mobile application for calculation of bone mineral density with the standard ISO/IEC 25022

Jose Sulla-Torres, Andrea Gutierrez-Quintanilla, Henry Pinto-Rodriguez, Rossana Gómez-Campos, Marco Cossio-Bolaños

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


One of the most critical bone diseases is osteoporosis, which can be evaluated through measurements of bone mineral density. Though there is a lot of commercialized portable about health in general, few are oriented towards bone health and with a lack of user-friendly interface and data management system. This paper presents a mobile application development for the calculation of the Bone Mineral density, which integrates with Google technology. The Mobile-D methodology for the development of mobile applications, due to the sequentially in the processes or stages is used. Bone mineral density (BMD) was calculated using anthropometric regression equations, and an Android-based Mobile Application with Google technology was developed. By using Firebase Authentication and Firebase Storage provided by Google technology, it allows admin to have full control over database management. In short, this mobile application allows the calculation of the BMD of the students and data storage and data uploading to cloud storage for post-processing, online data management system with user authentication. In addition, the Internacional Organization for Standardization / International Electrotechnical Commission (ISO/IEC) 25022 standard was used to evaluate the quality in use of the mobile app, resulting in 93% of quality in use, this app being able to be used by health professionals for better decision-making.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)158-163
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications
Issue number8
StatePublished - 2020


  • Android mobile application
  • Bone mineral density
  • Firebase
  • ISO/IEC 25022
  • Software quality


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