Pandemic Grief and Suicidal Ideation in Latin American Countries: A Network Analysis

Tomás Caycho-Rodríguez, Jonatan Baños-Chaparro, José Ventura-León, Sherman A. Lee, Lindsey W. Vilca, Carlos Carbajal-León, Daniel E. Yupanqui-Lorenzo, Pablo D. Valencia, Mario Reyes-Bossio, Nicol Oré-Kovacs, Claudio Rojas-Jara, Miguel Gallegos, Roberto Polanco-Carrasco, Mauricio Cervigni, Pablo Martino, Marlon Elías Lobos-Rivera, Rodrigo Moreta-Herrera, Diego Alejandro Palacios Segura, Antonio Samaniego-Pinho, Andrés Buschiazzo FigaresDiana Ximena Puerta-Cortés, Andrés Camargo, Julio Torales, José Arkangel Monge Blanco, Pedronel González, Vanessa Smith-Castro, Olimpia Petzold-Rodriguez, Raymundo Calderón, Wendy Yamilet Matute Rivera, Daniela Ferrufino-Borja, Agueda Muñoz-del-Carpio-Toia, Jorge Palacios, Carmen Burgos-Videla, Ana María Eduviges Florez León, Ibeth Vergara, Diego Vega, Marion K. Schulmeyer, Hassell Tatiana Urrutia Rios, Arelly Esther Lira Lira, Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo, Jesús Ayala-Colqui, Luis Hualparuca-Olivera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


This study aimed to characterize the network structure of pandemic grief symptoms and suicidal ideation in 2174 people from eight Latin American countries. Pandemic grief and suicidal ideation were measured using the Pandemic Grief Scale and a single item, respectively. Network analysis provides an in-depth characterization of symptom-symptom interactions within mental disorders. The results indicated that, “desire to die,” “apathy” and “absence of sense of life” are the most central symptoms in a pandemic grief symptom network; therefore, these symptoms could be focal elements for preventive and treatment efforts. Suicidal ideation, the wish to die, and the absence of meaning in life had the strongest relationship. In general, the network structure did not differ among the participating countries. It identifies specific symptoms within the network that may increase the likelihood of their co-occurrence and is useful at the therapeutic level.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPsychological Reports
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


  • COVID-19
  • Latin America
  • network
  • pandemic grief
  • suicidal ideation


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