Detection of Arrhythmias Using Heart Rate Signals from Smartwatches

Herwin Alayn Huillcen Baca, Agueda Muñoz Del Carpio Toia, José Alfredo Sulla Torres, Roderick Cusirramos Montesinos, Lucia Alejandra Contreras Salas, Sandra Catalina Correa Herrera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cardiovascular illnesses, including arrhythmia, are the primary cause of mortality globally, responsible for over 31% of all fatalities each year. To reduce mortality, early and precise diagnosis is essential. Although the analysis of electrocardiograms (ECGs) is the primary means of detecting arrhythmias, it depends significantly on the expertise and subjectivity of the health professional reading and interpreting the ECG, and errors may occur in detection. Artificial intelligence provides tools, techniques, and models that can support health professionals in detecting arrhythmias. However, these tools are based only on ECG data, of which the process of obtaining is an invasive, high-cost method requiring specialized equipment and personnel. Smartwatches feature sensors that can record real-time signals indicating the heart’s behavior, such as ECG signals and heart rate. Using this approach, we propose a machine learning- and deep learning-based approach for detecting arrhythmias using heart rate data obtained with smartwatches. Heart rate data were collected from 252 patients with and without arrhythmias who attended a clinic in Arequipa, Peru. Heart rates were also collected from 25 patients who wore smartwatches. Ten machine learning algorithms were implemented to generate the most effective arrhythmia recognition model, with the decision tree algorithm being the most suitable. The results were analyzed using accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity metrics. Using Holter data yielded values of 93.2%, 91.89%, and 94.59%, respectively. Using smartwatch data yielded values of 70.83%, 91.67%, and 50%, respectively. These results indicate that our model can effectively recognize arrhythmias from heart rate data. The high sensitivity score suggests that our model adequately recognizes true positives; that is, patients with arrhythmia. Likewise, its specificity suggests an adequate recognition of false positives.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7233
JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 2024


  • arrhythmia
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • deep learning
  • detection
  • electrocardiogram
  • heart rate
  • machine learning
  • smartwatches


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